Breeding programme
In accordance with the Livestock Farming Act and secondary legislation regulating horse breeding, the Lipica Stud Farm in 2010 prepared amendments to the breeding programme for the Lipizzan breed, and renewed the acknowledged status of the breeding organisation of the Lipica Stud Farm holding the original studbook.
Inclusion in the breeding programme
By means of the Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MKGP) from 13 December 2010, the amended breeding programme for the Lipizzan breed was confirmed, with the main change being that it included the entire population of Lipizzan horses in Slovenia. In accordance with this programme the studbook is held in two main parts – the first for the Lipica Stud Farm and the second for the Slovenian Lipizzaner Breeding Association (ZRLS). With the same Decision, the status of the Lipica Stud Farm as the acknowledged breeding organisation holding the original studbook for the Lipizzan breed, was reconfirmed for the subsequent five years (from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2015).
With the Decision of the MKGP from 17 December 2010, the breeding programme for the Lipizzan breed was listed in the joint basic breeding programme in the field of horse breeding (for the same period), whereas with the Decision of the Minister of Agriculture from 20 December 2010, the Lipica Stud Farm was granted the concession for performing the public service of professional tasks in the field of livestock and horse breeding.
Find out more about the breeding programme:
Rejski program.pdf