Daily schedule
Release of mares to pasture *
* Turnout time may vary due to weather conditions and the unpredictable nature of the animals.
Opening of the Stud Farm
 Guided tour
 Guided tour
 Guided tour
Guided tour
Closing the stud farm
Return of mares from pasture *
* Return time may vary due to weather conditions and the unpredictable nature of the animals.
Daily schedule

The first foal of this year greets the world at the Lipica Stud Farm on International Women’s Day
March 8, 2024

At the Lipica Stud Farm, we are delighted with the birth of the first foal of this year. On Women’s Day, March 8, a little playful Neapolitano Dubovina XXXV came into the world. By June, another 27 foals will join the Lipizzan herd.

Little Neapolitano Dubovina XXXV, was born early in the morning, before sunrise. He quickly stood on his feet and began to drink his mother’s milk, now eagerly observing the world around him.

His well-being is constantly looked after by his mother 635 Dubovina XXXV. The father of the little colt is 562 Neapolitano Betalka XXVI, who will soon be admired by visitors to the Lipica Stud Farm in performances.

This year marks the third consecutive year that the first foal was born right on March 8, International Women’s Day.

The firstborn foal of this year’s generation, Neapolitano Dubovina, was born in the safe environment of the stables at Borjača, where all Lipizzan foals are born. Together with his mother, he will spend the first week in the birthing boxes, and then join the herd, which will be increasingly filled with playful foals and their caring mothers every day.

By the beginning of June, we expect a total of 28 foals in Lipica. Visitors will be able to first meet them in the courtyard of the stables at Borjača, and in the warm days of May also on the vast green pastures of Lipica.

The birth of foals is one of the most beautiful experiences for the employees at the Lipica Stud Farm, especially those who take care of them, and a motivation for further work.

The director of the Lipica Stud Farm, Mag. Tatjana Vošinek Pucer, accompanied the birth of the first foal of this year with the wish that, lively and playful – together with the Lipizzan foals – the awareness of the importance of the Lipica Stud Farm and our noble horses will grow.

COVID-19 information



Dear guests,

The Hotel Maestoso and the Lipica Stud Farm are operating in accordance with the current measures and decrees adopted by the government of Slovenia to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The measures are regularly amended depending on the epidemiological situation in the country and broader region. To enjoy a truly carefree holiday, please follow the instructions below.


The RVT* requirement

Guests are required to meet the RVT* requirement in the following cases:

  • inside cafes, bars and restaurants,
  • in accommodation establishments,
  • at cultural events,
  • at sports events,
  • at public gatherings with more than 100 participants,
  • at trade fairs,
  • at conferences and congresses,
  • in nightclubs and discotheques,
  • in casinos and gambling halls.


The RVT* requirement does not apply to children up to 15 years of age, accompanied by an adult.

Use of face masks

The use of a face mask is mandatory in enclosed public spaces.

It is also mandatory outdoors whenever it is not possible to ensure a distance of 1.5 m.

Subject to meeting the RVT* requirement, face masks are no longer mandatory for:

  • guests inside bars, cafes and restaurants,
  • guests in accommodation establishments,
  • visitors at trade fairs held indoors,
  • participants at conferences and congresses held indoors,
  • visitors in casinos, gambling halls and special gambling activities,
  • audience members at cultural events,
  • spectators at sports events held outdoors.

* The RVT requirement: R – recovered, V – vaccinated, T – tested.



To stay at the Hotel Maestoso or use products and services offered by the Lipica Stud Farm, such as attending an indoor show or training session of the Lipica riding school, you will need one of the following certificates:

  • Certificate of recovery from COVID-19 no more than 6 months ago;
  • Negative PCR test or negative rapid antigen test taken no more than 48 hours ago;
  • Certificate of a positive PCR test taken no less than 10 days ago and no more than 6 months ago;
  • Certificate of vaccination (at least seven days since the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, at least 14 days since the second dose of other vaccines and at least 21 days since the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine);
  • The above requirements apply for people over 15 years of age.

For visitors and guests who need a COVID-19 test before returning to their home country, testing is available at:

1.) The Sežana Health Centre:

  • Rapid antigen tests 
  • PCR tests 

For more information, please visit and click Testiranje COVID.





We wish you a safe and pleasant stay in or visit to Kras and Lipica.

To book your stay at the Hotel Maestoso, please contact us on +386 5 739 1696 or Tours of the Lipica Stud Farm can be booked on +386 5 73 91 696 or

For more information, please visit


Thank you for your trust.

The Lipica Stud Farm and Hotel Maestoso team

Kaj početi v lipici

Visit to the Stud Farm
from 18 €
Show More
from 18 €
Trail riding
from 90 €
Show More
from 90 €
Carriage Ride
from 30 €
Show More
from 30 €

COVID-19 information

22. 7. 2020

Disc golf – Novo sproščujoče in družabno doživetje za obiskovalce kobilarne Lipica Prenovo hotela Maestoso, ki se je začela v maju ob 440. obletnici Kobilarne Lipica, spremljajo nova, sveža in sproščujoča doživetja za obiskovalce Lipice. 

Disc golf v lipici

Prvo družinsko doživetje je zagotovo igra disc golfa na novem Disc golf igrišču Lipica. Odprli so ga danes. Namenjeno je vsem, ki si želijo sprostitve in zabave v naravi, lipicanci pa so se danes podali na prvo vožnjo s kočijo po mestnih ulicah in trgih Ljubljane.

Disc golf je sproščujoča, lahkotna in zabavna igra, zato iz dneva v dan pritegne več igralcev. Podobna je igri golfa, le da namesto udarjanja žoge v luknjo igralci mečejo leteči disk v posebej oblikovano kovinsko košaro. Lahko je sproščujoča družinska igra, saj je cilj končati progo v čim manj metih, obenem pa se v razvija v atraktiven šport na mednarodni ravni.

Disc golf igrišča so sonaravna, saj se nanje postavijo le košare, v katere igralci mečejo diske, obenem pa se označi začetek vsake proge. Z željo, da bi gostje po odprtju prenovljenega hotela Maestoso preživeli več dni v Lipici, predvsem pa z željo, da bi po doživetju stika s čudovitimi belimi lipicanci preživeli več časa aktivno v naravi, so v Lipici danes odprli novo disk golf igrišče s šestimi progami. Disk golf igrišče Lipica se je tako pridružilo okrog 10.000 igriščem v več kot 50 državah sveta, med katerimi so na prvem mestu skandinavske dežele in ZDA.

»V Sloveniji je lipiško igrišče sedmo igrišče za disk golf, namenjeno zabavi, sprostitvi in igri v družbi tistih, ki jih imamo najraje. Med igro disk golfa se gradijo pozitivni odnosi, igra je priložnost za spoznavanje novih prijateljev, saj so igralci zelo družabni in odprti,« je pojasnil direktor Holdinga Kobilarna Lipica, d.o.o. Matej Oset med prvo igro skupaj z županom Občine Sežana Davidom Škabarjem.

Čeprav je igrišče družinsko in v dolžino meri okoli 600 metrov, se je izkazalo, da lipiški grič s svojim naklonom in drevesi nudi dovolj izzivov za zanimivo in privlačno igro. »Želja nas vseh je, da novo igrišče pritegne tako igralce iz lokalnega okolja kot tudi mlade in družine,« je dejal župan Občine Sežana David Škabar, medtem ko je vodja marketinga in prodaje v Holdingu Kobilarna Lipica, d.o.o. Aaron Uazeua pojasnil, da se lahko lipiško igrišče v prihodnje – z dodatnimi mobilnimi košarami – razvije tudi v prizorišče tekmovanj v disk golfu, ki v Sloveniji potekajo pod okriljem Disk golf zveze Slovenije, saj je igrišče zasnovali oblikovalci dunajskega studia Andres golfen.

Disc golf Lipica

Vse informacije o urniku Disc golf igrišča Lipica so dostopne na povezavi: 


K igri so vabljeni tako izkušeni igralci kot tudi vsi, ki bi se radi prvič preizkusili v igri. Predhodno znanje ni potrebno, diski za izposojo so na voljo na recepciji Golf igrišča Lipica.


Z lipicanci in kočijo po ulicah Ljubljane

Ob 440. obletnici Kobilarne Lipica se bo po ulicah in trgih Ljubljane podala lipicanska vprega Kobilarne Lipica. Ob sredah in četrtkih popoldne bo vožnjo začela na Kongresnem trgu in nadaljevala pot do Prešernovega trga, Tromostovja, Mestnega in Vodnikovega trga.

Sprejela bo lahko do štiri potnike, ki bodo panoramo mestnih ulic doživeli brezplačno. Njihova »vozovnica« bodo vtisi, ki jih bodo delili s svojimi prijatelji na družabnih omrežjih s ključnikom hashtagom #lipicavljubljani, #lipicaexperience ali #lipicainljubljana ter prispevali k promociji Ljubljane, Slovenije in Kobilarne Lipica.

Vožnje s kočijo bo spremljalo povabilo k obisku Lipice, obenem pa bodo lahko potniki na začetni točki voženj izvedeli več o turistični ponudbi Krasa. Poletne vožnje po ulicah Ljubljane podpirajo Mestna občina Ljubljana, Turistična zveza Slovenije, ORA Krasa in Brkinov ter Holding Kobilarna Lipica, d.o.o.



Lipica Golf Course

Only a stone’s throw from the Adriatic sea…


Hole 1 – Drobnovratnik
Hole 2 – Travniški postavnež
Hole 3 – Hribski urh
Hole 4 – Veliki pupek
Hole 5 – Hromi volnoritec
Hole 6 – Barjanski okarček
Hole 7 – Kraški zmrzlikar
Hole 8 – Ozki vretenec
Hole 9 – Bukov kozliček





Visit Lipica

Daily visit to the golf course

COVID-19 information

Architectural heritage comprises buildings and the associated installations, decorations, equipment and associated land, other built structures, settlements and their parts, and spatial arrangements.

Disc golf v lipici

The historical core of Lipica was completed in the first decades of the 18th century. In addition to the Manor and Velbanca, it also encompassed a storehouse for grain called “Magacin” (today a wedding hall), and small houses around the associated courtyard. The originality of the settlement design also came about because it was necessary to organise the relatively large yards intended for horse riding and schooling.

A triumphal arch closed the yard on the southern side. The axis of the main entrance route ran through it, and ended at the entrance portal of Velbanca. A magnificent arched stable, intended for Lipizzan studs since it was built, is architecturally the most accomplished building of the old core. Velbanca assumes a place here that churches usually take in settlements. Even the renaissance manor, which used to be the Emperor’s residence when he was in Lipica, has a less dominant part in the layout of the settlement. Velbanca was built in 1703, in place of an older building which was also intended for horses. To the south there was a chapel, and where there is an inn today, a chaplaincy. The chapel is dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of horses.

After 1815, when the French left, new extensive construction began in Lipica. In 1819, a stable was built to the south, along the axis of Trieste. A few decades afterwards, the old stables were demolished, making room for today’s “na Borjači” stables. In this place, the construction of new stables and a riding hall began in 1852.

In the middle of the 19th century, the third, northern connection with Lipica was established simultaneously with the construction of the new railway and road connections between Vienna and Trieste through Sežana. This connection ends in the direction of Lokev. Namely, the construction of the “na Borjači” stables blocked the logical end of the Lokev route towards Velbanca. Therefore, the centre of the stud farm was transferred from the old centre in the direction towards Lokev. This is confirmed by further expansion, which followed at the end of 19th century, with the construction of the Jubilee Stable (1898–1899). The building was completed on the 50th anniversary of the rule of Emperor Francis Joseph.

In the 1970s, a new riding hall was built behind “Obrihtunga”, with a smaller riding hall with stables. The facilities for breeding Lipizzan horses and working with them, apart from the stables and riding halls, also included outdoor riding areas and all the space required for organising equestrian events. In 1977, a hippodrome that enabled access exactly along the axis of the direction of Sežana, was built a little further to the south-west. It was built in the years before the 400th anniversary of the Lipica Stud Farm. Hotel Klub was also built on this occasion.

On this grand anniversary, Lipica hosted a month-long international sculpting workshop, which produced the park sculptures (forma viva) from karst stone. The second international sculpting workshop was organised to mark the 425th anniversary of the Lipica Stud Farm.

The collection of artworks of Avgust Černigoj is a newer cultural acquisition of the Lipica Stud Farm. The painter, who spent his last years at Hotel Maestoso of Lipica, showed his gratitude to the Lipica Stud Farm by giving it a rich collection of his works. The Lipica Stud Farm promised to arrange a special gallery in which the group Novi Kolektivizem (New Collectivism) displayed the collection of Černigoj’s works in 1988.



Preberi več

Stud Farm

COVID-19 information

The Lipica Stud Farm Riding School provides schooling for horses and riders. The work in all programmes/levels at the Riding School is based on consistent professional and ethical principles.

Disc golf v lipici

The beginnings of dressage date back to ancient Greece, where its development began for warfare purposes. Following the decline of ancient Greece, the art of dressage was lost for some time. It began to flourish again in the 16th century, during the Renaissance, with the establishment of mainly Italian riding academies. Emphasis was placed on the harmony between horse and rider, and on schooling based on the natural movement of horses. Dressage as we know it today was brought about by the founding of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna in the 18th century. It is called Spanish because it originally used only Spanish horses. It subsequently switched to Lipizzan horses. The school’s job was to preserve the art of the haute école and to select the best studs.

Schooling is an important part of the life of Lipizzan horses, as it teaches the stallions precise movements, various paces, turns and jumps. Schooling begins at the age of three, and takes from four to five years for stallions. By the age of five, a series of complex evaluations are performed to determine whether the stallion is exceptional or average. Only the best horses are chosen for the haute école, with above-average intelligence and a superbly shaped body, because this is the only way that they will be able to master and perform the higher-level elements of the airs above the ground.

In the first phase, stallions acquire proper carriage, and even and balanced paces. Later, the stallions are ridden, and they have to accept and learn to carry the rider’s weight in a natural posture, improve their balance, and get to know the rider’s aids. The horse becomes light, relaxed, and agile. Work takes place in trot and canter. After about one year of schooling, a selection is performed.

The second year of schooling is focused on exploring and developing the physical and mental characteristics of the horse, and on increasing its endurance, relaxation, suppleness and flexibility. The stallions learn exercises such as turns, circles, figures of eight, turn on the haunches, rein-back, proper transition into canter, and lateral movements. Afterwards, the horses are reassessed for obedience, perceptiveness, development and appearance, and then another selection is made. In the third year of schooling, as the stallions reach about six years of age, the haute école schooling begins. Attention is paid to special paces, turns, and different jumps. Pirouettes, lead changes, piaffes and passages, are polished to perfection.

In the last year of schooling, as the haute école figures are perfected, schooling in the art of riding on the ground is completed, and schooling in the airs above the ground begins. The levade, courbette, capriole and the pesade, are the hardest elements, and are actually what the Lipizzan horse excels at. This is where the strength, elegance, endurance and intelligence of Lipizzan horses are the most evident.

The work of the Riding School of the Lipica Stud Farm is managed by the main trainer, with assistants, and performed by horse-riding instructors and riders. The main trainer organises and leads the training of individual groups of horses. He participates in the formation and implementation of the programme of regular and additional training of riders and beginner riders, provides mentorship, and supervises work in the Tourist Riding School and the Lipica Equestrian Club.

The Riding School of the Lipica Stud Farm also carries out working ability testing of the Lipizzan horses, as part of the selection process within the Lipizzan horse breeding programme. In 1984, competitors from Lipica competed for the first time at the Los Angeles Olympics, achieving an enviable 10th place as a team. The Lipica team won the gold medal at the Balkan Games in 1987.




What to do in Lipica

Visit to the Stud Farm
from 18 €
Show More
from 18 €
A Show by the Lipica Riding School
from 25 €
Show More
from 25 €
Official Training
from 22 €
Show More
from 22 €

COVID-19 information

22. 7. 2020

The Lipica Stud Farm boasts more than 440 years of tradition in regard to the Lipizzan horse, which has embodied beauty, strength, and courage for all this time. It is the cradle of all Lipizzan horses in the world, and one of the most beautiful and important cultural and historical monuments of the Republic of Slovenia.

It is connected by acts of love, tradition, and perseverance, which put the love for the Lipizzan horse, and the Karst landscape from which the white horses come, above everything else. It has been enriched by hard and responsible work, and centuries of knowledge, understanding, and insight into the nature of the horse, and man.

Even just thinking about all the families of horses, the sheer dedication of generations of people who left their indelible mark here, and about Lipica’s oak trees and meadows, fences and stables, is enough to instil a notion of responsibility. Responsibility can never be taken for granted. Responsibility and respect for tradition are the core values that guide me and my colleagues in our work, along with the understanding that we should listen to everyone who has a lot of knowledge about, and love for, Lipizzan horses and Lipica.

This is why we will continue raising the awareness of how important the Lipica Stud Farm is, as the original stud farm for the Lipizzan horse breed, and promote it internationally as a reputable equestrian institution. In this way, the Lipica Stud Farm, as a prime professional institution, will further strengthen its importance as the main stud farm for Lipizzan horses.

We will ensure that our development will comply with the protected values of the cultural landscape. A lot of attention will be dedicated to increasing the Lipica Stud Farm’s visibility and reputation, and we are also going to provide superior services related to Lipizzan horse breeding, equestrianism, and the protection and development of the cultural and natural heritage.

Through attractive tourism programmes, the tradition of Lipizzan horse breeding, which is in the process of being included on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, will be made more accessible for visitors. The contact between man and horse, which visitors can observe while touring the stud farm and watching a performance of the classical riding school, is an experience that never ceases to attract and excite. And with the offering of the new Hotel Maestoso, the experience of Lipica will develop into a completely new story.


Kaj početi v lipici

Visit to the Stud Farm
from 18 €
Show More
from 18 €
Trail riding
from 90 €
Show More
from 90 €
Carriage Ride
from 30 €
Show More
from 30 €
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