Daily schedule
Opening of the Stud Farm
Closing the stud farm
Daily schedule

Catch your luck

“The horseshoe symbolises humanity’s coexistence with horses and is one of the best-known symbols of luck around the world.”
Kaj je sreča?


Sreča je, ko se zjutraj prebudiš v kraškem svetu, pogled skozi okno pa pritegnejo igrivi lipicanci, ki že veselo pričakujejo tvojo družbo.


Sreča je, ko veš, da bo tvoj dan poln dogodivščin, saj Lipica ponuja za vsakega nekaj – šolo jahanja, ogled treningov in predstav, vožnjo s kočijo, poni delavnice in stik s konjem, golf doživetja in drugih razburljivih aktivnosti. Sreča je, ko te na večerji presenetijo nepopisni okusi kulinaričnih mojstrov, kjer zažvrgolijo brbončice.


Največja sreča pa je, ko se zvečer, s pozitivnimi občutki in polno lepih spominov odpraviš v posteljo in veš, da je jutri nov dan, nova priložnost, da ujameš srečo v Lipici.



Luck is best shared with others! At Lipica, we share glimpses of our experiences and activities daily, so follow us on Facebook and Instagram to secure your daily dose of luck.


Have you visited us yet? Send us your photos or tag us on Facebook and Instagram to share your luck with others with luckyLipica #luckyLipica #lipicaexperience @studfarmlipica

Zakaj v Lipico?

Visit to the Stud Farm
from 18 €
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from 18 €
A Show by the Lipica Riding School
from 25 €
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from 25 €
Carriage Ride
from 30 €
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from 30 €
Hotel Maestoso
#najudobnejše #sprostisevnaravikrasa

If you want to relax in the company of horses, get active in the lush nature of Lipica, or indulge in the royal pampering and delicious cuisine –  then Hotel Maestoso 4* superior is the place for you.  The hotel got its name from the “royal” line of  lipizzan stallions. Be impressed by the modern rooms with traditional elements such as white fences, hay beds and sliding barn doors, as well as an excellent hotel offer.

Golf 365 days a year

Did you know that Lipica has the only golf center in Slovenia opened all year round? The spectacular golf course has 9 holes of medium difficulty that extend across the Lipica estate, a driving rage, another poligon for practicing your swing and drive your golf ball longer.

Kraška kuhinja za gurmane
#tasty #GratiaRestaurant

You won’t eat good in the Karst – you will eat superbly and with all your senses. In the brand new Gratia restaurant the dishes are accompanied with the sound of horse hooves, the food taste like Karst, and the desserts touch your heart. Immerse yourself in the smell of fresh hay while sipping a refreshing drink.

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